Bar Fights with Sad Kids is a rollercoaster ride through a formative decade, covering topics such as addiction, parental divorce, and that pissy smell that pervades the city of San Francisco. If you remember what it felt like to be in your teens and early twenties, or how great it feels not to be in your teens and early twenties anymore, this book is for you. Grab your copy, brace your core, and make it out of the bar fight alive!
Laura Wants Me to Write a Poem about Walking in the Street
But I want to write about how all of time has gone by and
suddenly through our fingertips we look down and spy the
world coughing and spitting blood on the pavement and
all the ghosts we’ve kept locked in the basement
broke down the door and swallowed the sun and everyone
has nothing to do in the dark but scream
Trapped in this meme two-eighty character reduction
what instruction is there left for how to be when all
imaginings before this imagined we could see
or imagined we could breathe the way you imagine a baby could
teethe it’s instinctual a given a right a relief and we’re starving for one
Clawing over bodies and black mommies and dying Dotties
for a taste of the sea or the touch of a hand or a line
of unease and we please ourselves with good intentions masked
and ready for the invention of the cure to all our ails when these
travails are just a rattling final breath and much like death
it’s never pretty when it ends
On This Side
In California it is spring
The robins sit on dead trees
and breezes blow polluted air through dirty hair
Traffic coughs to a halt and on her bumper
the sticker says
honk if you love earth
And I do
I’m so lucky to be here with you
If it’s the beginning or the end I can’t
pretend to know
anything but that the grass grows
greener than you could possibly imagine
right here on the shoulder
They Grow Up So Quickly
The notes I once played now sour and rotten
time ferments even the heartiest fruits
slowly they become mushy
I say
to my empty room
And I imagine sometimes growing bigger and bigger
until I can no longer fit in my house
I'm consuming all the street and all the city
my head a satellite floating
too far above everything to perceive
my body as vast as the continent
and I can see for miles
but I can't find myself
What Am I Doing
I can’t milk you out of a picture
even the ones where you weren’t paying attention to the camera
and didn’t know it could see your sadness
I keep trying
I can’t conjure you with a search bar
back into my life
I can’t hear your voice
by rereading the article about your academic awards
I can’t hear you saying the words
I don’t know
what I’m doing
Do you think about me
in your hypnogogic hallucinations
Do you dream I talk to you about blood
about love
about death
about feeling nothing
now but bereft
Do I complain about your theft
of my motivation
Do you say
it went with you of its own accord
I don’t remember you
What would you say
I’m not sure
What would you say
I’m not sure
I’m not sure